You are probably aware that Westward Airways have submitted an Application for a Lawful Development Certificate for a Proposed Development (not for existing development, as we were told.) I have this in front of me.
I quote, 'Runway lighting - lights along the edge + ends of runways along with approach path light positioned on the airfield abeam the landing threshold - down lighting over the windsock - the lighting will be either hard wired or battery + portable.'
It may be that BIH will not submit their Certificate for Lawful Development until this is passed as they need this to satisfy CAA regulations.
We cannot oppose this certificate only comment on the validity of facts given.
The following information might help explain Jon's letter to Penwith District Council that is below.
To qualify for a certificate an aerodrome has to have a turnover of £1,000,000 a year for 2 consecutive years in the last three. Westward operate from several aerodromes and so it is hard to ascertain what their turnover is at Land's End.
In 1997 The Secretary of State ordered that Penwith District Council should instigate an environmental enquiry when an application to put lights onto runways was made. Councils don't like doing this because they are very expensive.