Thursday, 29 January 2009

Our Purpose

We are against the relocation of the Isles of Scilly helicopter service from Penzance to Land’s End because -

1. Land’s End Aerodrome lies within an Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty and designated Heritage Coast. Helicopters landing and taking off, approximately every 15 minutes during the Summer will change the nature of the area, imposing noise pollution and high carbon emissions that compromise its unique beauty.

2. Business will decline because holiday makers who visit the locality for its peace and tranquility will have their holiday experience ruined.

3. The quality of life for local residents will be damaged by continuous daytime noise and pollution.

4. Roads to the airport are not big enough to cope with the inevitable increase in traffic. Villages, on route, will be submitted to increased noise levels from vehicles and the increased likelihood of accidents.

5. Bussing visitors from Penzance to the heliport at Land’s End will lengthen their journey and discourage visits to the locality undermining the local economy. The option of flying from Newquay will inevitably become more attractive.

6. The aerodrome lies in a rural area surrounded by farms and small holdings with cattle, horses and ponies. The noise and motion of helicopters can terrify animals and cause accidents to residents and visitors.

7. Property in the area will decline in value with many residents seeing their investments dwindle.

8. The problems of servicing the Isles of Scilly need long term solutions that fall within existing sustainable development policies, providing a high level of service for the holiday makers and locals. This relocation is a short term strategy that most people in Penzance, the Isles of Scilly and the Land’s End area recognise as transparently damaging in all the ways mentioned above.

Additional news reporting about this issue can be found at the BBC Cornwall News website and the Cornwall branch of the Council for the Protection of Rural England website.