Dear Mr England
With reference to the Application for a Lawful Development Certificate for a Proposed use or development submitted by Westward Airways (Lands End) ref 08-1513. We would like clarification of the following points.
We understand that in order to qualify for Permitted Development Rights an airport must, subject to economic regulation by the CAA, have a turnover in excess of £1 million in two out of the last three financial years. As Westward Airways operate from several airports how will the council verify that such figures have been achieved solely from the Lands End Aerodrome?
Westward Airways believe they can proceed with the installation of runway lighting under General Permitted Development Order 1995-part 18, class B. However development is not permitted by Class A if it would include the extension of a runway. Since these lights are to go 'along the edge and ends of runways', the runway will have been extended by the lights. In addition, permission for battery and portable lights is sought. These by definition would allow for runway extensions. How will the council reconcile this conflict?
Finally we would like to draw your attention to the enclosed letter from the Government Office for the South West dated July 97, with particular reference to the visual impact of lighting in an Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty. It states that a 'submission of an environmental statement is required'. Will the council be making a similar request of Westward Airways?
Until these points have been clarified we do not see how a Lawful Development Certificate can be issued. We would request that Penwith District Council ask for the proposed runway lighting to be subjected to a full planning application with an environmental statement.
Keep writing letters everyone. They are having an effect.