Letter to Andrew England, Sustainable Development and Design Manager, PDC
Mr A J England
Sustainable Development and Design Manager
Penwith District Council
St Clare
TR18 3QW
12 February 2009
Dear Mr England
Re - Application for a Lawful Development Certificate for a Proposed use or development by Westward Airways for runway lighting.
The CAA has confirmed our legal advice, that Land's End Aerodrome is not a relevant airport under the Airport's Act 1986. If our understanding is correct, this means that the airport does not benefit from general permitted development rights.
Westward Airways state in their application that they wish to proceed with their installation under General Permitted Development Order 1995-part 18, class B. In the light of the information above, please advise us whether Penwith District Council intend to grant this application?
We appreciate your help.
Yours sincerely
Caroline Passingham, Liaison Officer
CC Andrew George MP, Kevin Lavery CCC, Jim McKenna PDC